A maker of needful things

I am a craftsman and maker from a long line of Tennessee woodworkers.
By way of South Florida, I have made Vermont my home.

Objects to tell a story
and last a lifetime.

I’ve crafted and sold so many things; from clocks and cutting boards to coffee tables and hand-turned pens, even traveling cross-country selling roachclips in the early 1970’s.

Pipes and roachclips have become my passion. See some of my work.

History and responsibility in the materials

I don’t like to see things go to waste and I appreciate the many lives wood can live, so most woods used in my products are reclaimed — whether from a fallen tree, off-cuts from a guitar maker, or scraps of wood flooring.

In giving these pieces new form and a new use, I find pleasure in extending their story. It’s old and new; end and beginning.

Request something custom

Let’s build your story into your piece from the beginning.
Reach out to inquire about schedule & price of custom pieces.